Kingairloch Environmental Fund


If you wish to donate to the Kingairloch Estate Environmental Fund, please use the payment feature below. This helps support our environmental activities.  Please note that moorings are provided with priority for guests dining in the Boathouse Restaurant. Estate moorings are provided free of charge and at the users own risk, but a suggested donation of £25 per night (or £15 per night if dining in the Boathouse Restaurant) is gratefully received. Please be aware, no additional services are available other than serviced and maintained moorings

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Environmental Activities

Kingairloch Estate are embarking on a journey of environmental enhancement, and we warmly welcome donations to support our wide-ranging environmental activities.  All donations are gratefully received and can help accelerate the rate and frequency in which these projects are developed and implemented. As part of our wider estate management plan the team on the ground here at Kingairloch are engaging with the delivery of the following:

Peatland Restoration

We are currently developing a peatland restoration project covering some 62.5 Ha of degraded peatland to the West of the estate.  This project will involve blocking and re-profiling of artificial drains to re-wet peatlands, and re-profiling / damming of eroded hag-gulley systems to restore a healthy peatland habitat and reduce downstream sedimentation.  In addition, the estate are undertaking to re-work an area of modified (Molinia dominated) grassland to improve surface water retention and reduce micro-erosion.  This 65 year project is predicted to contribute a net CO2 emissions reduction of over 9,000 tonnes of C02.

River Woods

We are currently working to develop plans to implement a multi-year restoration of the riparian woodlands in the three main river systems of Kingairloch – the Abhainn na Coinnich, Abhainn na Fearna and River Glengalmadale. This phased restoration will target, in priority order, areas where Riverwoods can thrive and restore biodiversity in these catchments. In addition, the development of these woodlands over time will help reduce water temperatures for spawning fish, reduce surface run-off and help stabilize riverbank erosion.

Rainforest Restoration

We are currently developing an ambitious plan to contribute towards the Alliance for Scotland’s Rainforest targets for coastal rainforest restoration in this unique climate. Together with Nature Scot, which designate Morvern Peninsula as a Rainforest Restoration Zone, Kingairloch are looking to implement a net biodiversity improvement in coastal regions, where herbivore numbers can be controlled, and invasive plant species removed. Kingairloch is fortunate to retain remnant coastal woodlands, which it is hoped can provided a valuable seed source to allow natural regeneration over time, with a little support from the estate team on the ground.

Bracken Control

In 2023 the estate purchased 6 Highland cattle, of which a further 6 were born in 2024 which, alongside our tenant farmer running the Angus-Dexter cross cattle, we hope to deliver environmental benefit. The long-term goal of maintaining these animals, alongside sustainable meat production is environmental improvement of our moorland/hill habitat. Through targeted grazing using the estates geo-collars, these cattle will re-work (trample) and fertilize ground where bracken is prevalent and aid in returning these areas back to healthy grassland, whilst removing habitat for ticks.

Native Woodland Development

We are currently developing plans to increase our woodland cover with tree species native to the British isles and improve our woodland cover and mosaic of habitats available to wildlife.

Endangered Species

We are currently developing and actioning projects to assist red and amber listed species which we are fortunate to have resident on the estate. In 2024 we successfully started to turn that tide of population decline observed throughout Morvern and the wider West Highlands. Through targeted support where necessary, we aim to improve our populations for focus species across the estate and to feed higher populations into the wider peninsula.

River Restoration

We are in the early stages of investigating the potential to perform a river restoration project on the estate which will be focused on improving water quality for Salmon, Sea Trout, Freshwater Oysters and meanwhile reducing floodwater run-off and erosion of riverbanks.

Deer Management

In conjunction with the Morvern Deer Management Group, Kingairloch are working to implement a deer management plan focused on maintaining a healthy deer herd, reducing herbivore impact in low ground areas where conflict with natural regeneration can occur. The deer on Kingairloch, along with the wider Morvern Peninsula are noted for their quality and high body weights, a natural reflection of the healthy and thriving grasslands they graze.

A perfect place.

The estate is magnificent. Absolute peace and quiet. Perfect for regenerating. We stayed at the Gate Lodge, which is charming and very comfortable.

– Guest of Gate Lodge - May 2024